Insurance Advice
Life Insurance
In the event you were to pass away or be diagnosed with a terminal illness, Life Insurance provides your family or business with a lump sum payment to remove any long term financial burden. Things could include things like repaying debt or your mortgage, income for the surviving spouse, bequests to your children funeral costs etc.
Find out more about Life Insurance
Trauma Critical Care Cover
This cover pays a lump sum in the event of you suffering one of many listed trauma conditions including the most common ones such as heart attack, stroke or cancer. It is not just illness though, it also covers things like paralysis, head trauma and major burns.
Find out more about Trauma & Critical Care Cover
Income Cover / Mortgage Repayment Cover
Your ability to earn an income is probably your most important asset, and the financial consequences of a disability or extended illness that prevents you working could be devastating for you or your family. Income Protection Cover gives you up to 75% of your pre-disability earnings and includes a range of recovery and rehabilitation benefits to help you get back on your feet faster.
Find out more about Income Cover
Private Medical Cover
Private medical cover provides for the reimbursement of major medical expenses and allows access to non-Pharmac funded drugs and cancer drugs. Avoid public waitlists and be treated in private hospitals.
Find out more about Private Medical Cover
Permanent Disablement Cover
Pays a lump sum, when a person's ability to work has been suddenly - and permanently - cut short as a result of an illness, accident or injury.
Find out more about Permanent Disablement Cover
Other Insurances not specified include Specific Injury cover, Shareholder Protection and Redundancy cover.
Get in touch to find out more today.

Geoff’s story: A tiger by the tail
The Sherlock Landscaping business has doubled in size every year for the last three years with more and more corporate and large scale projects coming its way.
But such fast growth bought with it problems that urgently needed solutions: how to handle the growth, manage the inherent risk, and establish a sound capital structure.
"Mark is friendly, approachable and always available. He deals with serious matters on a daily basis but is always open and realistic. I have great confidence in him.”
Do you want to know if your business will be OK?
Mark Sheehan Financial Services can help you with:
- Life Insurance
- Income Protection Insurance
- Health Cover
Talk to Mark about how to make sure you will be Okay